The Health Benefits of Prunes
Prunes are not really a favorite fruit and people eat them only when needed. In this article, we will reveal more than good reasons why you should eat more prunes.
Prunes are usually used as a “first aid” food in cases of constipation and most people eat prunes only in this situation, but this is very unfair given that the health benefits that prunes bring are far greater. In addition to the health benefits prunes provide for the digestive tract, they will also help you when you have sugar cravings because they are sweet and have only 30 calories. Fresh and dried plums are very healthy and should not be avoided and here’s why.
The health benefits of Prunes
- Prunes can protect us from many different diseases
Prunes will not only protect your brain from the negative effects of free radicals, but they will also help you with the prevention of diseases like cancer and cardiovascular diseases. They are rich in phytonutrients called phenols and numerous scientific studies have confirmed that these phytonutrients help prevent damage to cells when it comes to oxidation of fats in the body. Since most cell membranes in the body are composed of fat, it is very important to bring phytonutrients through your diet.
- Prunes prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes
These fruits contain a lot of absorbent fibers that help the body stabilize blood sugar levels. Absorbent fibers are slowing down the passage of food through the stomach and thereby cancel out the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream. They also increase the sensitivity of the body insulin. If you eat a prune after a dietary meal, your stomach will be full because of the fiber which can prevent obesity and overeating.
- Prunes reduce cholesterol
The fibers, which we have mentioned before, are very important when it comes to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels as they absorb excess bile that is secreted. The liver uses cholesterol to secrete more bile and when the fibers absorb the bile, the level of cholesterol automatically drops.
- Prunes promote bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis
A recent study has confirmed that prunes are the most efficient fruits when it comes to bone mass loss because they are packed with phenols and flavonoids.
- Prunes are packed with beta-carotene and vitamin C
A scientific research conducted last year showed that regular intake of beta-carotene makes people happier. In addition, beta-carotene protects and fixes cells from the damage caused by free radicals.