Lack Of These Nutrients Will Make You Sick – Recognize The Symptoms
Do you feel tired, irritated, depressed and you easily get sick? Lack of certain minerals and vitamins might be the direct cause of these problems. Recognize the symptoms and find out how to properly nourish the body.
An average meal in the restaurants is four times bigger than it was 50 years ago and people are about 25 pounds heavier. However, even with this increased consumption of food we don’t get enough nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Most of us believe that it is better to have a big meal. Of course, it doesn’t really matter how much food is present on the table – what matters is what you have placed on the table (what kind of foods and combinations). For example, one well-made salad can be more nutritious than roast meat.
We don’t want to think about the nutritional value of foods, balanced meals and that’s why we often feel weak, bad and lethargic. This means that we lack certain minerals and vitamins.
Vitamin C
Kiwi, peppers, pomegranate, broccoli, strawberries, citrus, cherries… all these fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C, We don’t have to mention how important vitamin C is. Women older than 20 need 75 mg of vitamin C per day and men need about 90 mg of vitamin C. Lack of vitamin C in the system results in weakness, dizziness, tooth loss, inflammation of gums, slow healing and join pain.
Vitamin B12
You can find large amounts of vitamin B12 in animal meat and animal products in general. In addition, some cereals and baked goods are packed with vitamin B12 too. About 15% of the people in the world suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiency. Due to this lack of vitamin B12 they feel weak and dizzy they often lose consciousness and suffer from anemia. In addition, some of them feel confusion, depression and experience poor memory.
Vitamin D
This vitamin can be found in fish such as salmon and tuna, but also in foods like cheese, beef liver, mushrooms and egg yolks. However, all these sources provide only a small amount of vitamin D compared to how much vitamin D our body gets from the sun. Vitamin D balances calcium in the body and helps people with the health of their bones. Vitamin D is very important for the immune system and has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Lack of this vitamin in children can result in bone wasting and in adults it leads to bone pain, osteomalacia and muscle weakness.
Of all minerals and vitamins, iron deficiency is the most widespread. We can find iron in red meat, fish and in sprouts and beans. Some of the most common symptoms include: dizziness, weakness, lack of concentration, increased susceptibility to infections, inflammation of the tongue and decreased immunity.
It is found in seas fish and seafood, but also in dairy products. Lack of iodine during pregnancy can be very dangerous because it can affect the fetal development. In adults, it may lead to goiter and decreased productivity.
Zinc is important for the immune system and in the fight against viruses and bacteria as well as for wound healing and pregnancy. Lack of zinc can slow the development of infants and children and sexual development of adolescents. It can also lead to diarrhea, loss of appetite and hair loss.