3 Reasons Why Running at Night is One of the Best Exercises

According to many experienced fitness instructors, all the benefits that we can expect from running are increased if we are running at night. We bring you some of the top reasons why you should start running at night.

Running at night can help you run faster, eat less and sleep better than ever. It seems that these reasons alone should be sufficient for any runner to start following this daily routine, but let’s check explain the benefits in details.

  1. To start with, you will sleep better. People are usually worried whether their physical activity in the evening will affect their sleep, but a recent study has shown that the results are quite the opposite. The study conducted by the scientist working from the University of South Carolina has shown that about 97% of people who exercise at night sleep better or equally good as people who exercise during the day. According to the same study, people who enjoy running at night can fall into a peaceful sleep only half an hour after they are finished with this exercise.Experts claim that the effects of this workout on the body is similar to the effects of taking a relaxing bath before bed and running has especially relaxing and calming effect.
  1. In case you didn’t know, you can run a lot faster at night. Numerous studies have shown that people can exercise more intensively and run faster at night. The theory is simple – when we are running at night, it is much harder to determine the speed in relation to the objects around us and that’s why we run faster. On the other hand, running at night reduces the number of distractions that can affect our focus.
  2. It supports weight loss efforts. Running at night can help people develop healthy habits because this activity will help you stay away from the fridge. After a hard running session, you certainly won’t think about eating unhealthy snacks, candies or fast food. Try this exercise at least once and you will notice the difference in your appetite.


Keep in mind that you will need to use some equipment that can guarantee safe exercising. It is a good idea to take a flashlight that can be placed on your head in order to avoid bumps and holes on the road because they can lead to injuries. Avoid listening to music and run in 3 Reasons Why Running at Night is One of the Best Exercisesa group if possible. If you are running on your own, make sure to take your cell phone and inform your family members about the route you will use and how much time you will spend outside.

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