The Surprising Health Benefits of Blackberries

Blackberries are delicious berries that grow in bushes full of thorns. Blackberries grow naturally in almost every part of our planet. These fruits are considered to be fruits with the highest level of dietary fiber.

Blackberries can be consumed fresh, canned in syrup and frozen. People also create delicious blackberry jams, blackberry juices, desserts and wines which are known for their protective properties when it comes to heart health. They are packed in minerals, vitamins and fiber which mean that they have great antioxidant and nutritive value. They don’t have many calories, fat and carbohydrates which puts them at the top of the list of healthy foods, suitable for almost any diet.

Anthocyanin, which gives a dark color to blueberries, is the antioxidant that has been proven to prevent the inflammatory processes in the body. It also has the ability to eliminate free radicals that destroy cells in the body and lead to the formation of cancer. Numerous studies have confirmed that blueberries are rich in ellagic acid too. This acid prevents the emergence of cancerous diseases. Only one cup of blackberries contains the recommended daily dose of vitamin C which as we all know is very important for the immune system.

The Surprising Health Benefits of Blackberries

Another study has shown that blueberries can slow the advance of cancer in the esophagus as it relaxes the oxidative stress triggered by Barrett’s esophagus which is actually a pre-cancerous condition that is usually caused by gastroesophageal reflux. However, the biggest benefit of consuming blackberries lies in the presence of phenolic acids which are known as strong pre-cancerous agents. 100 grams of blackberries contain about 5350 ORAC units (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) which place them at the top of the fruits known as fighters against cancer.

Besides all these health benefits of eating blackberries, this delicious fruit will positively affect your heart health, skin, protect eyesight and they are especially helpful when it comes to women’s health.

They are also very good for digestion because only one cup a day contains 30% of the recommended daily dose of fiber and are highly recommended for diabetics. Blackberries are packed with vitamin K which promotes absorption of calcium in the blood and ultimately leads to better bone health.

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