A Tasty Salad Dressing Which Boosts the Immune System and Improves Metabolism

Good news! We have this perfectly tasteful component that boosts the immune system and improves metabolism and it comes in the form of a salad dressing which you can use as a sauce too. Tasty, healthy, quick to prepare…these are only some of the advantages of using this salad dressing.

Cooking with fresh ingredients in addition to a completely different and better taste brings many health benefits. With the help of a careful selection of ingredients during cooking, we cherish our health and take care of our body in the best possible way. You would not believe how many everyday foods are excellent fighters against cold, fever, aging, cancer etc.

We now have a recipe for a salad which will not only provide excellent taste, but it will also provide some healing properties that help immunity and metabolism.

You can use it for salads, as a topping for meat, fish, boiled vegetables etc.


– 2 cloves of garlic

– ½ avocado

– 3 tablespoons of olive oil

– 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar

–  1 piece of fresh ginger

– ¼ cup of water

– 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper

– 1 teaspoon of raw honey

– 2 pinches of salt

A Tasty Salad Dressing Which Boost the Immune System and Improves Metabolism

Put all these ingredients into a blender and mix them until you get a smooth liquid sauce.

The healing properties of the ingredients used in this salad dressing

  1. Ginger has been part of the Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. It is known for the properties which facilitate digestion and relieve vomiting and nausea. It can relieve and eliminate the symptoms of inflammation and the antibacterial property that ginger has can successful support the detoxification process.
  2. Mashed or chopped garlic releases allicin which is actually a sulfur compound responsible for garlic’s strong antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that protect people from infections.
  3. Apple cider vinegar is often recommended in cases of digestive problems, gas, bloating and stimulation of digestive juices and maintenance of the proper level of enzymes in the system.
  4. Cayenne pepper is packed with capsaicin. This substance makes cayenne pepper an excellent tool for the support of any weight loss plan. Capsaicin doesn’t only accelerate the metabolism by increasing the body temperature, but it also fights fat deposits.

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